AAHPM Week in Review: March 25-29, 2019

Register by March 31, 2019 for the 2020 Annual Assembly in San Diego, CA, March 18-21 at the 2019 rates. Also, consider submitting a proposal for the 2020 Assembly. The call for abstracts opens April 1 – May 1 for preconference workshops, 1-hour sessions, SIG-endorsed sessions, and interactive educational exchange.   AAHPM, in partnership with NHPCO and RAND … Read moreAAHPM Week in Review: March 25-29, 2019

AAHPM Week in Review: March 18-22, 2019

The Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care was a tremendous success. The 3,400 attendees participated in 200+ educational sessions, while engaging actively on Twitter and networking with colleagues. In addition to the outstanding education, attendees also had the opportunity to view the art exhibit, Expressions of Clinician Well-Being, remember their patients and families at … Read moreAAHPM Week in Review: March 18-22, 2019

AAHPM Week in Review: March 4-8, 2019

Congratulations to the newly appointed leaders of the Hospice Medicine Council: Ed Martin, Stephanie Patel and Bethany Snider, who join chair Michael Paletta, Ron Crossno, Shaida Talebreza and Patrick White, and the newly appointed leaders of the Academic Palliative Medicine Council: Lynn Flint, Lindy Landzaat, Lynn Bunch O’Neill and Elisha Waldman, who join chair Tom … Read moreAAHPM Week in Review: March 4-8, 2019

Highlights of the March 2019 Issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Read the editor’s picks for the most recent issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM), the official journal of AAHPM.   End-of-Life Culture Change Practices in U.S. Nursing Homes in 2016/2017 Margot L. Schwartz, Julie C. Lima, Melissa A. Clark, and Susan C. Miller The Effect of Residential Aged Care Size, Ownership Model, and … Read moreHighlights of the March 2019 Issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

AAHPM Week in Review: February 11-15

Happy Valentine’s Day! AAHPM members enjoy special savings all month long. If you’re interested in purchasing the 6th edition of the Primer of Palliative Care or Equianalgesic Tables, they are 50% off through February by using code PRIMER2019 and ETABLE2019. Note: the new 7th edition of these products will debut March 13. Shop now. Applications … Read moreAAHPM Week in Review: February 11-15

Highlights of the February 2019 Issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Read the editor’s picks for the most recent issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM), the official journal of AAHPM. Symptom Trajectories Are Associated With Co-occurring Symptoms During Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Meagan Whisenant, Bob Wong, Sandra A. Mitchell, Susan L. Beck, and Kathi Mooney Palliative Care Clinician Overestimation of Survival in Advanced Cancer: … Read moreHighlights of the February 2019 Issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

AAHPM Week in Review: January 28 – February 1

The extreme weather conditions caused the AAHPM offices to be closed on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. To accommodate any requests during the down time, we will be extending the Annual Assembly early bird rates through February 4. We hope you will join us in warm and sunny Orlando, March 13-16, 2019. Visit annualassembly.org … Read moreAAHPM Week in Review: January 28 – February 1