Intensive Review Course is Intense!

Day one was an excellent and fast paced day in the dungeon of the Hyatt in downtown Chicago. It appears the leaders at AAHPM have mastered Atul Gwande’s “Checklist Manifesto” as everything appeared smooth from the start. Over 680 participants and close to 300 on the waiting list; thirteen 30 minute sessions with two 30 … Read moreIntensive Review Course is Intense!

“Two Days in the Joint”: A Visit to the Joint Commission

…the “newer and friendlier” JC have some progressive, visionary work for the future of healthcare. It was two day conference and networking opportunity for seventy invited representatives from a diverse healthcare contingent representing a variety of organizations from the American Hospital Association, to the CDC to the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. All a friendly lot and it was very nice to see the AAHPM represented.

Students Eager to Learn About HPM – Let’s Help Them?

AAHPM was one of 50 medical specialty organizations that exhibited at the recent American Medical Association Medical Specialty Showcase in Chicago. It was a great opportunity to talk about hospice and palliative medicine to the hundreds of medical students in attendance and also reassuring for us to see how many students were interested in the field and eager to learn how palliative doctors care for their patients.

Inside the Process of Authoring a Book: Diane Meier on Palliative Care: Transforming the Care of Serious Illness

Our recent book, Palliative Care: Transforming the Care of Serious Illness (Jossey-Bass, San Francisco 2010), has been a long time coming. I got the invitation from my co-editors Stephen Isaacs and Bob Hughes of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation over three years ago. The book was to be another in an annual series of books on health reform in areas of significant investment by the Foundation. Prior volumes addressed the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids and School-Based Clinics, among others.

Hospice and Palliative Care in VA

The Hospice and Palliative Care initiative in VA took on renewed strength and vigor in 2008 when specific funding was allocated to this initiative. Since then, Palliative Care Consulting Teams (PCCTs) have been developed in every VA facility. Regional oversight of these teams is being provided by a Program Manager and a Clinical Champion, positions … Read moreHospice and Palliative Care in VA

“Size Matters Not:” More Progress by AAHPM in the AMA House

The AAHPM Delegation to the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates welcomed back a good friend and effective representative at the AMA’s 2010 Annual Meeting in Chicago, held June 12-15. Dennis S. Pacl, MD FACP – who was instrumental in the securing the Academy’s seat in the House and once served as its delegate – rejoined the team as Alternate Delegate.

A Member’s Perspective on the Geriatrics and Palliative Care Conference in Saudi Arabia

Saudi ARAMCO Medical Services Organization May 24-26, 2010 I participated in a fascinating international medical conference at the Saudi ARAMCO hospital in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. I was invited to speak on palliative care topics during a geriatric and palliative care conference by Dr. Richard Dupee, chief, Geriatrics Service, Tufts Medical Center. Dr. Charles Cefalu, a … Read moreA Member’s Perspective on the Geriatrics and Palliative Care Conference in Saudi Arabia

Local HPM Programs Help Physicians Meet Practice Pathway Requirements for HPM Board Certification

Some hospice and palliative care programs are helping physicians in their communities to qualify for board certification in hospice and palliative medicine (HPM), offering “practice pathway” opportunities to accumulate necessary hours of caring for patients while learning the medical subspecialty on the job.

Six month countdown to the HPM Boards!

Lifelong learning is imperative in the medical profession- especially for physicians. Then, every 10 years this knowledge is tested by the American Board of Medical Specialty to assess one’s foundation of knowledge. I understand tests are important, yet rarely have I found them fun and exciting. For me, every board exam causes stress and high … Read moreSix month countdown to the HPM Boards!