Highlights of the January 2020 Issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Read the editor’s picks for the most recent issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM), the official journal of AAHPM. The Role of a Symptom Assessment Tool in Shaping Patient-Physician Communication in Palliative Care Joanna Veazey Brooks, Claire Poague, Taynara Formagini, Christian T. Sinclair, and Heather V. Nelson-Brantley Signature Informed Consent for Long-Term Opioid … Read moreHighlights of the January 2020 Issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Week in Review: January 6-10

Want to learn about cannabis epidemiology, chemical composition and preparations, mechanism of action, medical indication, evidence for use in pain, and clinical considerations? Register for the Cannabis and Pain live webinar on January 15, 3-4 pm EST, co-hosted by AAHPM and HPNA. Receive member rate of $20 using the AAHPM2020 discount code. CME and CNE available. Make … Read moreWeek in Review: January 6-10

Caring for a Senior Loved One From a Distance

When you’re far away from an older loved one, it’s easy for anxiety to become overwhelming. Your mind may be overrun with thoughts of what could happen. Who will check on them? How will you help in an emergency? What if they have needs you can’t see from a distance? These are legitimate concerns, but … Read moreCaring for a Senior Loved One From a Distance

Plans Progress for the State of the Science in Hospice and Palliative Care Research Symposium

AAHPM has been collaborating with the hospice and palliative care research community to create a new meeting to support and advance the science in our field. This new meeting is the State of the Science in Hospice and Palliative Care research symposium, taking place March 20-22 in San Diego, CA, co-located with the AAHPM Annual … Read morePlans Progress for the State of the Science in Hospice and Palliative Care Research Symposium

Week in Review: December 16-20

Free shipping this holiday season from the AAHPM online store. Stock up on educational materials and fun gifts for your staff. This month only, AAHPM members receive free shipping within the continental United States. Take advantage this month and save. Want to learn about cannabis epidemiology, chemical composition and preparations, mechanism of action, medical indication, … Read moreWeek in Review: December 16-20

Week in Review: December 9-13

The Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) was to be considered for Senate HELP Committee markup this week but HHS questions related to accrediation have delayed consideration. AAHPM continues to work with bill sponsors and coalition partners to urge swift Senate action. Use AAHPM’s Legislative Action Center to e-mail and tweet your senators to request … Read moreWeek in Review: December 9-13

Highlights of the December 2019 Issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Read the editor’s picks for the most recent issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM), the official journal of AAHPM. Physical Activity for Symptom Management in Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Randomized Feasibility Trial on Physical Activity and Breast Metastases Jasmine Yee, Glen M. Davis, Daniel Hackett, Jane M. Beith, Nicholas Wilcken, David … Read moreHighlights of the December 2019 Issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Week in Review: November 18-22

AAHPM leaders were among the presenters for a NCHPC webinar reviewing opportunities for palliative care and hospice programs eligible to participate in the Seriously Ill Population (SIP) option under the CMS Primary Care First payment model demonstration. Review the webinar recording and slides detailing this new alternative payment model for serious illness care. Applications are due January 22, 2020. The … Read moreWeek in Review: November 18-22