PCHETA Lobby Day

On April 17, 2024, AAHPM, in partnership with Patient Quality of Life Coalition (PQLC) participated in a Lobby Day in support of the Palliative Care and Hospice and Training Act (PCHETA). The goal of the day was to both increase bipartisan Senate support of the legislation and to ensure the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee takes action to move it forward.

PCHETA would expand opportunities for interdisciplinary education and training in palliative care, including through new education centers and career incentive awards for physicians, nurses, physician assistants, social workers and other health professionals. The bill would also implement an awareness campaign to inform patients and healthcare providers about the benefits of palliative care and hospice and the services available to support individuals with serious illness, as well as direct funding toward palliative care research to strengthen clinical practice and health care delivery.

AAHPM members, Greg VendeKieft, MD, FAAHPM and Paul Tatum, MD, FAAHPM traveled to Washington, DC to take part in meetings with their Senators and to ask for support of PCHETA. In total, PQLC volunteers met with 48 different Senate offices and 2 House offices.

To support these efforts in DC, AAHPM also issued a call to action to members, asking them to reach out to their Senators asking for their support. You can access AAHPM’s Legislative Action Center to take action now and ensure your voice is heard!


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