Listed below are a few articles from the most recent issue of the journal:
Original Articles
Barriers to Medical Compassion as a Function of Experience and Specialization: Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Surgery and General Practice
Antonio T. Fernando III and Nathan S. Consedine
United States Clergy Religious Values and Relationships to End-of-Life Discussions and Care
Michael J. Balboni, Adam Sullivan, Andrea C. Enzinger, Patrick T. Smith, Christine Mitchell, John R. Peteet, James Tulsky, Tyler VanderWeele, and Tracy A. Balboni
Factors Driving Live Discharge from Hospice: Provider Perspectives
Rachel Dolin, Laura C. Hanson, Sarah Rosenblum, Sally Stearns, Mark Holmes, and Pam Silberman
To access the articles, you must subscribe to JPSM or be a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM). For further information on the Academy, call 847.375.4712 or visit
Submitted by: David Casarett, MD MA, Senior Associate Editor, JPSM