Read the editor’s picks for the most recent issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM), the official journal of AAHPM.
Advancing Global Palliative Care Over Two Decades: Health System Integration, Access to Essential Medicines, and Pediatrics
- Diederik Lohman, MSPH, MA, James Cleary, MB, BS, FAChPM, Stephen Connor, PhD, Liliana De Lima, MS, MHA, Julia Downing, PhD, MMedSci, BN(Hons), RGN, Joan Marston, B Soc Sc, MA, RN, Claire Morris, MSc, Sara Pardy, BA, Katherine Pettus, MA, PhD
Development of Entrustable Professional Activities for Specialist Hospice and Palliative Care Pharmacists
- Kashelle Lockman, PharmD, MA, Maria F. Lowry, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, Sandra DiScala, PharmD, BCPS, Amanda G. Lovell, PharmD, BCGP, Tanya J. Uritsky, PharmD, Benjamin S. Kematick, PharmD, BCACP, Michelle Schmidt, PharmD, BCGP, Andrea M. Wetshtein, PharmD, MHSA, Bridget Scullion, PharmD, BCOP, Christopher M. Herndon, PharmD, BCACP, Rabia S. Atayee, PharmD, BCPS, APh
Identification of Distinct Symptom Profiles in Cancer Patients Using a Pre-Specified Symptom Cluster
- Marilyn J. Hammer, RN, PhD, Bruce Cooper, PhD, Stephen M. Paul, PhD, Kord M. Kober, PhD, Frances Cartwright, RN, PhD, Yvette P. Conley, PhD, Fay Wright, RN, PhD, Jon D. Levine, MD, PhD, Christine Miaskowski, RN, PhD
Articles were submitted by David Casarett, MD MA, Senior Associate Editor, JPSM.
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