Read the editor’s picks for the most recent issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM), the official journal of AAHPM.
“So, I try not to go …” Acute-On-Chronic Breathlessness and Presentation to the Emergency Department: In-depth Interviews With Patients, Carers, and Clinicians
Ann Hutchinson, Kathleen Galvin, Miriam J. Johnson
Attitudes of Professional Caregivers and Family Members Regarding the Use of Monitoring Devices to Improve Assessments of Pain and Discomfort During Continuous Sedation Until Death
Stefaan Six, Roel Van Overmeire, Johan Bilsen, Steven Laureys, Jan Poelaert, Peter Theuns, Reginald Deschepper
Understanding the Outcomes of Supplementary Support Services in Palliative Care for Older People. A Scoping Review and Mapping Exercise
Steven R. Dodd, Sheila A. Payne, Nancy J. Preston, Catherine E. Walshe
Articles were submitted by David Casarett, MD MA, Senior Associate Editor, JPSM.
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