Another Way to Advocate for Patients

by Emily Muse, AAHPM Communities Manager I am a planner. I create lists, diagrams, and spreadsheets for almost everything. I even use a planning rubric when packing for weekend trips. Obviously, I began my preparation for the 2011 AAHPM Washington DC “Capitol Hill Fly In” by researching my congressional representatives and senators. I wanted to … Read moreAnother Way to Advocate for Patients

AAHPM Calls on Washington (and you should be in touch with your local folk!)

Thoughts on Local Sausage-making and DC: I spent an evening walking from the Washington Monument to the U.S. Capitol Building last week. Although the classic reference about legislation is “sausage-making” and something you don’t want to watch, I found the area by the capital buildings an especially peaceful spot to stop and admire the view … Read moreAAHPM Calls on Washington (and you should be in touch with your local folk!)

What I Learned from Visiting Academy Members

by Laura G. Davis, CAE, AAHPM Director of Marketing and Membership I recently had the opportunity to travel out of Chicago and spend some time with Academy members. These visits gave me the opportunity to learn first-hand how our members spend their days. It was an enlightening experience. I spent time with Dan Maison, MD … Read moreWhat I Learned from Visiting Academy Members

Patients or Healthcare Consumers? A tipping point in Hospice & Palliative Medicine

by AAHPM President Ronald J. Crossno, MD Do we take care of patients or do we partner with educated consumers who are knowledgeable about healthcare economics? The answer is clearly some of both, depending on the individual in front of us, but a new report from the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions suggests the prospect … Read morePatients or Healthcare Consumers? A tipping point in Hospice & Palliative Medicine

Pacific Northwest Ahead of the Curve in End-of-Life Care. Or Is It?

by Joanna Fief I’ve been hearing about the need for improved end-of-life care since I was a kid. My mom was a hospice nurse for many years and always talked about the importance of broader and earlier access to palliative care for patients and their families. I never dreamed my work would overlap with hers, … Read morePacific Northwest Ahead of the Curve in End-of-Life Care. Or Is It?

AAHPM Physician Compensation Survey Reveals Diversity in Pay, High Job Satisfaction

Charles V. (Chuck) Wellman, MD FAAHPM, is Chief Medical Director of Hospice of the Western Reserve in Cleveland, OH, and chair of AAHPM’s Leadership and Workforce Strategic Coordinating Committee It is with great pleasure that we can finally announce the availability of the AAHPM Physician Compensation and Benefits Survey Report. Two years ago a poll … Read moreAAHPM Physician Compensation Survey Reveals Diversity in Pay, High Job Satisfaction

Palliative Care for Cancer Patients in Treatment

by Porter Storey, MD, AAHPM Executive Vice President Palliative care teams should be consulted more often for cancer patients in active treatment. I know, I am “preaching to the choir” on this blog, but it may be important how we explain this to our various “stakeholders.” The Public – Palliative care can help align patient … Read morePalliative Care for Cancer Patients in Treatment

Update from the AMA 2011 Annual Meeting

by Chad D. Kollas, MD, FACP, FCLM, FAAHPM – AAHPM Delegate to the AMA While in Chicago from June 18-20 to represent the Academy at the Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association House of Delegates, my colleague Dennis Pacl, MD FAAP FACP – AAHPM’s alternate delegate – and I took in a show one … Read moreUpdate from the AMA 2011 Annual Meeting

Eager Medical Students Learn about Palliative Medicine

by Emily Muse, AAHPM Manager, Communities and Programs Saturday was the opening of the American Medical Association House of Delegates Annual Meeting 2011. One of the featured events was the eighth annual AMA-MSS Medical Specialty Showcase. The American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine was invited to exhibit at this event and took the opportunity … Read moreEager Medical Students Learn about Palliative Medicine