To keep you apprised of the many happenings within AAHPM, the staff has put together this synopsis of the Academy news from the week of July 16, 2018.
- Abstract selection decision notifications for the 2019 Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care were emailed this past week. This includes abstracts submitted for the first call for preconference workshops, 1-hour sessions, and Interactive Educational Exchange.
- More than three-quarters of AAHPM Community Leaders joined Town Hall calls where they were informed of AAHPM initiatives and discussed ways to engage SIG and Forum members during the 2019 Annual Assembly.
- Members of the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Committee and AAHPM President Tammie Quest met in Chicago to review and update the D&I strategic plan. The group agreed that the future strategic plan should build on leadership skills, development of a toolkit, emphasize the significance of communities and include voices antithetical to D&I initiatives.
- Academy leaders and staff had an informational meeting at the American Medical Association to learn more about their new education delivery strategy and platform. AAHPM has completed an assessment of all programs and products as part of a program innovations and business strategy process and is exploring opportunities for collaboration with other organizations.
- Leaders and staff from the Academy and the Center to Transform Advanced Care had a call with staff at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services this week. Following the Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee’s recommendation that CMS test AAHPM’s and C-TAC’s alternative payment model proposals for care of serious illness, CMS been engaging stakeholders for dialogue and input.
- Academy committees and staff are examining CMS’s 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule, which includes updates to the Quality Payment Program, to develop AAHPM feedback. The Academy is also working with over two dozen medical societies on a joint letter addressing the rule’s proposals to overhaul documentation requirements and payment for evaluation and management (E/M) services. Review a CMS Fact Sheet.
- AAHPM was well represented at two national meetings. CMO Joe Rotella attended the Serious Illness Strategy Session on Approaches to Identifying Individuals with Serious Illness, convened by the National Quality Forum and supported by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; and Past President Christian Sinclair attended the Workshop on Integrating Health Care and Social Services for People with Serious Illness, a meeting of the Roundtable on Quality Care for People with Serious Illness, convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.