The Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care will be here before you know it, and we hope you’ll be joining us. Don’t forget to book your hotel, as rooms at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, where all the educational sessions will be held, are quickly filling up. Save up to 25% by registering by January 31st – just 13 days away.
The AAHPM Board of Directors met last week and approved changes to the Academy’s bylaws: all members should have the right to vote; only Regular (physician) members and Emeritus members may hold an officer position; the Nominating Committee will nominate, and the members will elect, two Affiliate members to newly-created Director-at-Large positions with full voting rights; the Nominating Committee will increase in size from five to six members, and will include one Affiliate member. The proposed amendments will be voted on by Regular members in attendance at the AAHPM Business Meeting on March 15 in Orlando. More information will be disseminated to members within the next several weeks.
AAHPM submitted a comment letter to the Continuing Board Certification Vision for the Future Commission on behalf of hospice and palliative medicine. The Vision Commission has been working with multiple stakeholders to envision a system of continuing board certification “that is responsive to the needs of those who rely on it and that is relevant, meaningful and of value to physicians.”
AAHPM staff and consultants joined the Patient Quality of Life Coalition annual meeting held January 16. Member organizations came together to strategize about advancing the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) in the 116th Congress and to consider new priorities for the group’s advocacy agenda, including related to opioids, research, and payment for palliative care.
Phil Rodgers attended the January 16-19 meeting of the American Medical Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) as AAHPM’s RUC Advisor. The RUC is a multispecialty committee that works to describe the resources required to provide physician services and recommends values for new or revised CPT codes to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Steve Smith, AAHPM CEO, was recently elected Treasurer of the National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care during a recent board of directors meeting hosted by the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) in New York City.
The Sojourns® Scholar Leadership Program is recruiting physicians, nurses, social workers, PAs, chaplains, psychologists, pharmacists and other health system leaders. Scholars receive $180,000 in funding to conduct an innovative clinical, policy, education, or systems change project, as well as implement a leadership development plan. Letters of Intent are due February 28, 2019.