Still need to register the Annual Assembly? Join 3,500 attendees, listen in on 200 educational sessions, earn up to 28.25 CE credits, and experience 1 magical trip to Orlando. Register to be a part of the best event in hospice and palliative care. There are a few exhibit and job fair booths still available. Contact Rob Frey for further information.
Russ Portenoy, editor-in-chief, David Casarett, senior associate editor, David Newcombe, managing editor, Josh Spieler, publishing director, Donna Zhukovsky, Publications Committee chair, and staff members Joe Rotella, Steve Smith and Laura Davis met for the annual strategic planning and operational review of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Reports will be shared with the journal’s editorial board during its meeting in March.
To support the Palliative Care Measures Project, a Technical Expert Clinical User Patient Panel and Measure Specification Panel has been named. Sydney Dy and Mary Ersek will chair the panels and provide direction and input on the development of the measures for patients with serious illness. The members represent a broad array of stakeholders including measure development experts, clinicians, patient advocates and others.
CPT guidelines and descriptors to report E/M office visit codes will undergo extensive revision for implementation in 2021. Look next week for an e-mail from AAHPM linking to an AMA RUC survey that will help Hospice and Palliative Medicine, in concert with the RUC, recommend accurate relative values for physician work and direct practice expense to CMS. Learn more.