The AAHPM Board of Directors met and approved
- reappointment of JPSM associate editors: Debbie Parker Oliver, Sydney Dy and David Hui
- Pediatric Objectives for Adult-Track HPM Fellows
- hosting a State of the Science in 2022 in conjunction with the Annual Assembly
- hosting the 2021 Annual Assembly virtually
- transfer of assets to the Palliative Care Quality Collaborative
- recommendations of the Inclusion Integration Advisory Group
The board also received an update on JPSM from Editor David Casarett and Publisher Josh Spieler and financial and investment reports from Q2.
The recently approved Pediatric Objectives for Adult-Track HPM Fellows are intended to provide guidance to fellowship programs as they develop or review their overall curriculum and can be used as a blueprint to develop pediatric curriculum de novo or when updating an existing curriculum. They will continue to evolve as the field develops consensus on pediatric content.
Participate in the Virtual Board Prep Study Thread on AAHPM Connect if you’re preparing to certify/recertify for the board exam. This group will present board style cased-based questions, allowing for both peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and direct interaction and Q&A with experts in the field. Simply add #HPMboards20 when posting or replying to messages in the Open Forum to follow the discussion.
Purchase the Experience Package of the State of the Science in Hospice and Palliative Care to receive an invitation to a virtual networking event on Wednesday, September 30. This package includes all the oral and poster presentations from the 2020 State of the Science research meeting available on-demand and the opportunity to participate in discussions with the plenary faculty and event co-chairs.
AAHPM was selected to the National Quality Forum’s Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) Coordinating Committee – the primary group that recommends quality measures to CMS and other payers. The Academy joins other prominent peers such as the American Medical Association, The Joint Commission and more.