Below are the editor’s picks for the most recent issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM).
To access the articles, you must subscribe to JPSM or be a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM).
Prior Trauma Exposure and Serious Illness at End of Life: A National Study of Children in the U.S. Foster Care System From 2005 to 2015
Lisa C. Lindley and Elspeth M. Slayter
Resource Use During the Last Six Months of Life Among COPD Patients: A Population-Level Study
Kristof Faes, Joachim Cohen, and Lieven Annemans
The Views of Homeless People and Health Care Professionals on Palliative Care and the Desirability of Setting Up a Consultation Service: A Focus Group Study
Hanna T. Klop, Sophie I. van Dongen, Anneke L. Francke, Anke J.E. de Veer, Judith A.C. Rietjens,
Jaap R.G. Gootjes, and Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen
Submitted by David Casarett, MD MA, Senior Associate Editor, JPSM