We are four weeks away from the Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care (February 17-19). There are two new sessions that have been added to the educational session schedule:
- COVID-19 Conversations: Moral Concerns – Just Allocation of Resources, Moral Distress, Supporting Team Resilience
- COVID-19 Conversations: Practical Concerns – Prognostication, Communication, Public Health Advocacy
View additional sessions that will be presented during the Assembly. Registered attendees will receive on-demand access until May 20, 2021. Save your spot – register now!
Phil Rodgers, MD FAAHPM, represented AAHPM at a virtual meeting of the AMA/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC). AAHPM worked with nine other specialty societies to present joint recommendations related to the chronic care management and new principal care management codes. The RUC considers specialties’ input to recommend relative values for physician work and direct practice expense to CMS.
AAHPM, in partnership with the National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care and RAND, invites you to join the free webinar “Launching the Future of Palliative Care: Patient-Reported Experience Measures” on February 1, 2021 from 2-3pm. Hear about the patient-centered approach on the development of the two measures and test results as how the measures can be implemented and how you can provide input. Register Now. (https://www.nationalcoalitionhpc.org/event/measures/).
Congratulations to AAHPM members Angela M. Feraco, MD MMSc; Bethany-Rose Daubman, MD; Donald Sullivan, MD MA MCR; Heather Coats, PhD APRN-BC; J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom, PhD RN ACHPN FPCN FAAN; Laura Gelfman, MD MPH; Rachel Thienprayoon, MD MSCS FAAP FAAHPM; Tamryn F. Gray, RN PhD MPH for being announced as a Sojourns Scholar through the Cambia Health Foundation! We applaud your commitment to advancing the next generation of palliative care leaders.