Listed below are a few articles from the most recent issue of the journal:
Cost Analysis and Policy Implications of a Pediatric Palliative Care Program
Daphna Gans, Max W. Hadler, Xiao Chen, Shang-Hua Wu, Robert Dimand, Jill M. Abramson, Betty Ferrell, Allison L. Diamant, and Gerald F. Kominski
An Intervention to Enhance Goals-of-Care Communication Between Heart Failure Patients and Heart Failure Providers
Ardith Z. Doorenbos, Wayne C. Levy, J. Randall Curtis, and Cynthia M. Dougherty
Level of Discomfort Decreases After the Administration of Continuous Palliative Sedation: A Prospective Multicenter Study in Hospices and Palliative Care Units
Rogier H.P.D. van Deijck, Jeroen G.J. Hasselaar, Stans C.A.H.H.V.M. Verhagen, Kris C.P. Vissers, and Raymond T.C.M. Koopmans
Symptom Burden and End-of-Life Treatment Preferences in the Very Old
Steven M. Albert, June R. Lunney, Lei Ye, Robert Boudreau, Diane Ives, Suzanne Satterfield, Hilsa N. Ayonayon, Susan M. Rubin, Anne B. Newman, and Tamara Harris, for the Health ABC Study
To access the articles, you must subscribe to JPSM or be a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM). For further information on the Academy, call 847.375.4712 or visit
Submitted by: David Casarett, MD MA, Senior Associate Editor, JPSM