Listed below are a few articles from the most recent issue of the journal:
Promoting Evidence in Practice
Important Clinical Findings for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: Commentary on Molassiotis et al.
Lucas Vieira dos Santos and João Paulo Lima
Original Articles
Definition, Categorization and Terminology of Episodic Breathlessness: Consensus By An International Delphi Survey
Steffen T. Simon, Vera Weingärtner, Irene J. Higginson, Raymond Voltz, and Claudia Bausewein
Evaluation of Risk Factors Predicting Chemotherapy-Related Nausea and Vomiting: Results from a European Prospective Observational Study
Alexander Molassiotis, Matti Aapro, Mario Dicato, Pere Gascon, Sylvia A. Novoa, Nicolas Isambert, Thomas A. Burke, Anna Gu, and Fausto Roila
Palliative Sedation In Advanced Cancer Patients Followed At Home: A Prospective Study
Sebastiano Mercadante, Giampiero Porzio, Alessandro Valle, Federica Aielli, and Alessandra Casuccio, on behalf of the Home Care-Italy Group (HOCAI)
To access the articles, you must subscribe to JPSM or be a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM). For further information on the Academy, call 847.375.4712 or visit
Submitted by: David J. Casarett, MD, MA, Senior Associate Editor, JPSM