This is a belated entry – I couldn’t get in to post last night, but still wanted everyone to know about the great action in the AAHPM exhibit hall!
It’s 9:20 and I’m just returning to my hotel room after a long and exciting day at the AAHPM Annual Assembly. I missed the pre-conferences but the word is that they were fabulous! The down side of being a board member is having to miss the pre-cons – and there’s SO MUCH that I need to learn – especially as I’m preparing for my Board exams in the fall. I grabbed a brochure for the August board review course in Chicago.
At 5:30, the exhibit hall opened – WOW! It’s bigger and better than ever. I had the privilege of giving the poster prize to Dr. Jillian Gustin from Ohio State University. Go Buckeyes! Stop by and check out her research on symptoms of depression in terminally ill parents with young children.
Find some time to visit!
Gail Austin Cooney MD, Hospice of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, FL