Palliative Care for Veterans with PTSD by Kehrle, Steckart, Moran

Starting with Dr. Kehrle this started as a research project during training. Case 1 63 yo male sent to radiology for test and became agitated. He was confrontational with staff. He had been a Vietnam Veteran and shared that he had flashbacks when placed on the table for test. He also shared that he was … Read morePalliative Care for Veterans with PTSD by Kehrle, Steckart, Moran

Gratitude: Service of Rememberance and Celebration

What a wonderful way to celebrate and remember all of us who care for our patients. The theme brought us back to Mother Earth as we are in the beautiful setting of Vancouver where we all are here to support each other. The symbol of the tree was used in several ways from the tree … Read moreGratitude: Service of Rememberance and Celebration

Facing Death:A Journey Through Pictures, Prose, Poetry, and Plainsong

Session by Lawrence Wolfe MD Demon is failure to acknowledge that patient’s are suffering and dying and leads to Burnout, sec trauma, moral distress, hostility, and structured violence. Most of us view death as a horrible thing and we are often not available to those who are dying. Story about demons and priest to overcome … Read moreFacing Death:A Journey Through Pictures, Prose, Poetry, and Plainsong

Palliative Care in the Age of Healthcare Reform: The Impact on Your Practice (403)

Diane Meier’s talk this morning was less a presentation than a call for action to the palliative care field. Dr. Meier spent a year working on capital hill and has continued to advocate for palliative care on a local and national level. She began with a review of the Affordable Care Act and the challenges … Read morePalliative Care in the Age of Healthcare Reform: The Impact on Your Practice (403)

Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers…February 16 preconference

Although I was faculty rather than participant, this workshop about horizontal and vertical violence (“Bullying”) was a learning experience for me. As the only physician on the panel I expected to be isolated, to feel like a concentration-camp guard at the Holocaust Museum; instead I was surprised at the number of physicians in the room, … Read moreBuilding Bridges, Breaking Barriers…February 16 preconference

Discontinuing Treatment in Patients with End Stage Illness: The Art and Science of Reconfiguring Therapy

A very engaging conversational topic was presented. Some key items to be considered at this point in a patient’s illness: Ambulatory, Palliative, Hospice or Comfort Care The Goals of Care as described by the patient/family Clinical Expertise Best Practice Evidence Barriers may include: Patient Related: psychological attachment to medications they have been taking as well … Read moreDiscontinuing Treatment in Patients with End Stage Illness: The Art and Science of Reconfiguring Therapy

PalliMed reception

The PalliMed/ GeriPal co-sponsored reception last night was a success. As repeatedly and succinctly put by social networking guru Christian Sinclair, the purpose of this event was to meet those with whom we’ve been communicating for the past 12 months, whether by Twitter, List-serve, blog or Facebook. Plus it’s fun! Present were PalliMed contributors and … Read morePalliMed reception

Feeling Our Fire

Earthy, dynamic, funny, rich in the wisdom of connection, reflection, and rejuvination…This describes this morning’s plenary by Dr. Sherry Showalter. Her words and movements celebrated this work we do. She reminded us that that which is to provide light, must endure burning, and that we who strive to heal, must, each day, heal ourselves. Her … Read moreFeeling Our Fire

After the Bad News… When Patients Hear Something Different than What Was Said

How many times have you begun a conversation with a patient or family, only to discover their understanding of the situation is far different from what the referring physician has shared with you? All too often, it seems, judging from the large attendance at this informative, lively session that led attendees through the labyrinth of … Read moreAfter the Bad News… When Patients Hear Something Different than What Was Said

Compassion in Canada

Sometimes when you think outside the box with the right intentions, things happen for the good. The session “Showcase Canada: Introducing Canadian Initiatives in Hospice Palliative End-of Life Care was a great overview of such a vision. The presentation was dispersed with great facts about Canadians and great pictures of many areas I want to … Read moreCompassion in Canada