Concurrent Session – Delirium

Trust psychiatrists to give an afternoon session that makes you completely forget about that nap you were craving! “Delirium: A Study of Difficult Cases” consisted of 3 vignettes about various forms of delirium, complete with very realistic role playing and chock full of wisdom from palliative care psychiatrists. First there was a case of reversible … Read moreConcurrent Session – Delirium

“Bending the Cost Curve:” reflections on this morning’s plenary session

America, your bluff has been called…the verdict is in, and the old adage remains true: you cannot have your cake and eat it too (shocking news, I know). Clichéd as it may sound, that message rang true this morning as the annual assembly opened in a blaze of introspection and criticism of the status quo. … Read more“Bending the Cost Curve:” reflections on this morning’s plenary session

AAHPM pre-conference workshop: Junior faculty bootcamp

“Early Career Hospice and Palliative Medicine faculty Development Bootcamp”: Drs Bernacki, Carey, Sanchez-Reilly, Periyakoil, Kapo, DeLima Thomas, Morrison, and Bunch O’Neill I was a little apprehensive about this workshop, since I’m still a fellow and not even junior faculty yet. I will be taking a faculty position when I finish my fellowship, so I figured … Read moreAAHPM pre-conference workshop: Junior faculty bootcamp

The Devil Is in the Denominator

To improve quality, whom we measure is as important as what. by Joe Rotella, MD, MBA, FAAHPM The growing awareness in America that our healthcare system is unaffordable and fails to deliver consistent quality has led us to healthcare reform, mandatory quality reporting, pay-for-performance, and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). We need good measures of quality … Read moreThe Devil Is in the Denominator

President Crossno’s Letter to American Medical News

Letter to American Medical News January 6, 2012 Re: Handful of States Promise Physicians Online Access to Advance Directives, posted January 3, 2012 on When very sick patients are unable to express their wishes toward the end of life, nothing is more heartbreaking for doctors and loved ones than not knowing what those … Read morePresident Crossno’s Letter to American Medical News

What Is Palliative Care?

by Ruth Mugalian, Public Communications Inc. Read the full article about defining palliative care in the Winter issue of The Quarterly. When I talk about my work with hospice and palliative medicine specialists and why I enjoy it, I usually say something like this: “They’re doctors who take care of very sick patients. They relieve … Read moreWhat Is Palliative Care?

Update from the 2011 AMA Interim Meeting

by Chad D. Kollas, MD FACP FCLM FAAHPM—AAHPM Delegate to the AMA The American Medical Association (AMA) held its Interim Meeting in a revitalized New Orleans from November 12-15, and AAHPM’s representatives enjoyed a productive meeting—while also partaking of Louisiana’s legendary cuisine! Alternate delegate Dennis Pacl, MD FACP, and I were pleased to welcome Patrick … Read moreUpdate from the 2011 AMA Interim Meeting

A Fellow’s View of the AMA Meeting

by Patrick White Patrick White is a Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellow at the University of Pittsburgh and AAHPM’s delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA) Resident and Fellow Section. Attending the American Medical Association (AMA) Interim Meeting in New Orleans was an amazing experience. From my first alligator sausage through our last meeting with … Read moreA Fellow’s View of the AMA Meeting

On Organ Donation and Patient Wishes

by Katie Macaluso, AAHPM Quarterly Managing Editor If you’re a member of AAHPM, you should be spotting a copy of the fall issue of AAHPM Quarterly in your mailbox any day now (if it hasn’t arrived already). Pick up this issue to learn more about the 2012 Annual Assembly, certification deadlines, advocacy efforts, and where … Read moreOn Organ Donation and Patient Wishes