The Pros and Cons of a Fellow Match

Nicky Quinlan, MBBChBAO MRCPI, and Conrad Williams IV, MD Hospice and palliative medicine (HPM) is growing as an accredited specialty, in keeping with the growing need for timely palliative care for the seriously ill population of all ages. Currently, the only route to HPM board certification is through an accredited fellowship. HPM has not yet … Read moreThe Pros and Cons of a Fellow Match

Collaboration Between Palliative Medicine and Oncology

Larry Beresford The opportunities—and the imperatives—for the palliative care field to collaborate with other physicians, and with oncologists in particular, are detailed in an article I wrote for the latest issue of AAHPM’s Quarterly newsletter. The Academy is partnering with oncology groups on a number of fronts, including a joint project with the American Society … Read moreCollaboration Between Palliative Medicine and Oncology

Moving PCHETA on Capitol Hill: A Q&A with the Academy’s Lobbyist

Years of Academy effort to develop legislation that expands opportunities for interdisciplinary education and training in palliative care paid off last summer when the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) was introduced in Congress by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY-16). (Access a summary of the bill.) In March … Read moreMoving PCHETA on Capitol Hill: A Q&A with the Academy’s Lobbyist

Education Resource Email #4: PalliTalk

Dear Education SIG members, Welcome to the first new Education SIG Resource Email of the year. This email provides further information on “PalliTalk” which you heard about in an email on this listserve last week. PalliTalk is a train-the-trainer course for palliative care faculty interested in learning to teach communication skills to their fellows using … Read moreEducation Resource Email #4: PalliTalk

What’s Going on with Dying in America?

One of the many vexing problems in U.S. health care is that patients repeatedly and by a wide margin express their preference for dying at home rather than in a hospital or other setting of care. However, despite that oft-expressed wish and the apparently increasing public awareness of hospice and palliative care options, most people … Read moreWhat’s Going on with Dying in America?

Education Resource Email #3: AAHPM’s Capitol Hill Days

In the interest of archiving the Education SIG’s “Education Resource Email” collection and making it more widely available, we have decided to post past emails. The email below was originally sent to the Education SIG listserve on November 21, 2012. —————- Capitol Hill Days and advocating for education funding Dear Education SIG colleagues, In the … Read moreEducation Resource Email #3: AAHPM’s Capitol Hill Days

Education Resource Email #2: Harvard Macy Institute

In the interest of archiving the Education SIG’s “Education Resource Email” collection and making it more widely available, we have decided to post past emails. The email below was originally sent to the Education SIG listserve on July 13, 2012. ————————— Hi everyone, Two of your fellow EdSig members, Jennifer Reidy and Holly Yang, have … Read moreEducation Resource Email #2: Harvard Macy Institute

The Role of Individual Advocacy in State Efforts to Promote Palliative Care

by Amjad Riar, MD Nearly a decade ago, during my training as a third-year medical resident, one of my rotations in oncology was at Johns Hopkins. One of the responsibilities was to admit patients with advanced cancers, and I saw oncological emergencies for seriously ill cancer patients. This ignited the thought in my mind that … Read moreThe Role of Individual Advocacy in State Efforts to Promote Palliative Care