Consider becoming a Fellow of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (FAAHPM). Fellows of the Academy are required to be: board certified (ABMS, AOA, ABHPM and/or HMDCB), members of AAHPM for 5 consecutive years, and active within the Academy. Applications for fellow status are due by September 16.
HPNA in collaboration with AAHPM will present the new CO*RE REMS curriculum, Pain Management and Opioids: Balancing Risks and Benefits at a live in-person complimentary course on September 19, presented at the HPNA Clinical Practice Forum in Pittsburgh, PA. CME and CNE credit available. Registration is required.
The AAHPM Board of Directors met this week and continued discussion on the revised Strategic Plan, in addition to approving financial and investment reports and receiving briefings from staff on ongoing projects.
The Pediatric Curriculum Workgroup is currently reviewing 23 possible topics to identify what is truly essential for adult providers to learn to care for kids. In the next few weeks all practicing physician members will be invited to complete a survey that explores current experience with pediatric patients and feedback surrounding pediatric HPM exposure within fellowship training.