It’s been another busy week at the Academy. Here’s an update of activities during the week of September 3, 2018:
- AAHPM urged members to comment on CMS’ 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule/Quality Payment Program proposed rule. CMS proposals would cut HPM clinician payment for office E/M visits by 20% and threaten seriously ill patients’ access to care. An Academy guide offers talking points on this and other provisions, and details how to submit online comments by the September 10 deadline.
- Interested in serving in a leadership role on the PC FACS editorial team? Applications are now being accepted for 17 open associate editor Deadline to apply is Friday, September 28 for terms that begin March 2019. Contact Elizabeth Smith for further information.
- AAHPM submitted comments to the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) regarding current internal medicine procedural requirements and their relevance to all trainees. The Academy proposed that key communication procedures, including Breaking Bad News and Conducting a Family Meeting, should be required of all internal medicine graduates.
- AAHPM submitted comments on a CMS proposed rule updating home health payments and policies for 2019. The Academy offered support for eliminating the requirement that physicians who certify patients’ ongoing need for home health services estimate how much longer skilled services will be required, noting that reducing such administrative burdens enables physicians to focus more time on patient care.
- “Palliative Care Competencies and Readiness for Independent Practice: A Report on the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Review of the U.S. Medical Licensing Step Examinations” was recently published in JPSM. Lead author Elise Carey summarizes the process and findings of a 2-day review of the USMLE by 8 AAHPM members at the National Board of Medical Examiners in 2016.
- AAHPM CEO Steve Smith and other executive leaders who serve on the board of the National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care met in Pittsburgh this week for their annual planning retreat. The primary focus of the meeting was to identify environmental trends and factors that could impact the field and prioritize coalition initiatives for the next 2 to 3 years.