Looking to enhance your leadership skills? Consider attending Ascend, an interactive 2-day course designed for hospice and palliative care professionals. Whether you’ve just started your leadership journey or are a seasoned leader, this course will help you learn and grow. Small group activities will help you connect with your peers, rethink your practice and gain tools you and your team can use.
JPSM is seeking new Associate Editors for these defined areas: global health, clinical practice, QI and innovation, integrative medicine and diversity and inclusion. The term is for 3 years and will begin on January 1, 2020. Interested individuals should send a cover letter and CV to Laura Davis by October 4. Questions should be directed to David Casarett.
Past President Ron Crossno represents AAHPM on the American Medical Association Pain Care Task Force, which met this week to consider ways to promote education in evidence-informed pain care (the group already created this AMA EdHub page) and work on an article discussing barriers to such care that will run in the AMA Journal of Ethics Opioids Issue next year.
AAHPM was notified by the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) that its Cooperative Agreement to create two new palliative care patient-reported experience measures was renewed for the second year of a three year project. The award amount for year two is $1,896,555. Sub-recipients for this cooperative agreement are RAND and the National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care.
AAHPM was notified by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation of a $500,000 cost extension for the Palliative Care Quality Collaborative (PCQC), a new organization scheduled to launch in 2020 that will house a data registry system, which will have program and patient level data. The PCQC is a collaborative effort between AAHPM, PCQN, CAPC, GPCQA and NPCRC.
AAHPM joined a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services listening session to discuss “What’s an Outlier Prescriber” of opioids and how best to implement prescriber notification requirements under the SUPPORT Act. The Academy emphasized that policymakers cannot simply equate high prescribing with inappropriate prescribing and weighed in on identifying a medical specialty. (View slides and learn more.)