Staff has prepared this update of AAHPM activities during the week of October 1, 2018:
Registration for the 2019 Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care is now open. The Assembly is an energetic, invigorating conference that will capture your heart, re-energize your spirit, and stimulate your mind. Mark your calendar for March 13-16, 2019 in Orlando, FL. Learn more at
The third call for proposals is now open. Submit a case study for consideration as an oral or poster presentation. In addition to case submissions, the third call for proposals also includes the option for scholars to submit a work in progress to be presented as an e-poster. Learn more about submitting a proposal at
Phil Rodgers attended the fall meeting of the American Medical Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) as AAHPM’s RUC Advisor. The RUC is a multispecialty committee that works to describe the resources required to provide physician services and recommends values for new or revised CPT codes to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
AAHPM President Tammie Quest and Communities Committee member Kim Curseen met with Sen. Jonny Isakson’s (R-GA) Atlanta regional director to discuss S.693, the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act. They urged the Senator to cosponsor PCHETA and help advance it through the HELP Committee on which he serves. Have you e-mailed or tweeted your senators to ask for their support?
Two AAHPM staff members exhibited at the American Medical Student Association’s Residency Fair to share information about hospice and palliative medicine with the medical students. This event was an opportunity for chapter members from Rush Medical College and UIC College of Medicine Chicago to meet face-to-face with representatives from medical specialty associations and residency programs from around the country before the Match.
Thank you to all those who applied to serve in a leadership role on the PC FACS editorial team. We had a great response. Applications will be reviewed by the PC FACS editorial leadership team, and all applicants will be notified by the end of the year of the status of their application.