Register by March 31, 2019 for the 2020 Annual Assembly in San Diego, CA, March 18-21 at the 2019 rates. Also, consider submitting a proposal for the 2020 Assembly. The call for abstracts opens April 1 – May 1 for preconference workshops, 1-hour sessions, SIG-endorsed sessions, and interactive educational exchange.
AAHPM, in partnership with NHPCO and RAND Health, is leading an effort to develop patient-reported quality measures in outpatient palliative care for the CMS Quality Payment Program. All programs that provide outpatient palliative care services to adult patients are invited to learn more about serving as a test site. Download the recruitment flyer and submit the interest form. Contact or 833 278 3915.
Katherine Ast, AAHPM’s director of quality and research, presented at the National Quality Forum Annual Conference on the challenges of measuring quality of care for people with serious illness. She shared insights gained from the Academy’s co-leadership of quality initiatives, including Measuring What Matters and projects to develop a new serious illness denominator and new patient-reported quality measures for the field.