The first call for the 2020 Annual Assembly (March 18-21, San Diego) preconference workshops, concurrent sessions, SIG or forum endorsed sessions, and interactive educational exchange closes Wednesday, May 1. Don’t wait. Submit your abstract today.
Interested in serving on the AAHPM Quarterly editorial leadership team to manage the overall direction of the newsletter, contribute to planning meetings and solicit articles? Send a letter of interest indicating the positions for which you’re applying, why you would like serve, and suggestions for moving the publication forward movement, along with your CV to Laura Davis by May 13.
This week the CMS Innovation Center announced new primary care payment models to reward high-value care. They include an option to support seriously ill patients that builds on AAHPM’s proposed APM and offers new payment opportunities for hospice and palliative care providers. CMS will hold webinars for interested stakeholders on 4/30 and 5/16. Learn more and register.
AAHPM RUC Advisor Phil Rodgers attended the AMA/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) Meeting. He helped present data and recommendations from a multi-specialty survey related to revised CPT codes for office/outpatient E/M services and a new prolonged services code. The RUC considers the findings to recommend accurate relative values for physician work and direct practice expense to CMS.