Read the editor’s picks for the most recent issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM), the official journal of AAHPM.
Efficacy and Safety of Opioids in Treating Cancer-Related Dyspnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Based on Randomized Controlled Trials
Ning Luo, Shifan Tan, Xiaocai Li, Shivank Singh, Si Liu, Chunjie Chen, Zhuangzhi Huang, Shuangshuang Feng, Yacong Lin, Yuemei Lin, Hongdan Cen, Min Liang, Mafeng Chen
To Disclose or Not to Disclose: A Case Highlighting the Challenge of Conflicts in Pediatric Disclosure
Isaac Martinez, Anna Hoppmann, Sam Perna, Paul Byrd, Joanne Wolfe, Jamie Aye, Emily E. Johnston
Higher Levels of Stress Are Associated With a Significant Symptom Burden in Oncology Outpatients Receiving Chemotherapy
Katarina Jakovljevic, Kord M. Kober, Astrid Block, Bruce A. Cooper, Steven M. Paul, Marilyn J. Hammer, Frances Cartwright, Yvette P. Conley, Fay Wright, Laura B. Dunn, Jon D. Levine, Christine Miaskowski
Articles were submitted by David Casarett, MD MA, Senior Associate Editor, JPSM.
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