We hope your new year is off to a great start. The Week in Review is back. Here’s a short recap of what’s been going on behind the scenes at AAHPM:
The Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care – will you be there? Hotel rooms are quickly filling up (76% of capacity) and the Early Bird discount rate ends in just 20 days (January 31st). Register today at AnnualAssembly.org to reserve your spot at THE place to learn the latest in hospice and palliative medicine.
Registration is open for all 2019 Maintenance of Certification (MOC) assessments. Any physician who would like to become recertified in 2019 by way of the shorter Knowledge Check-In (KCI) assessment needs to pass a KCI in spring 2019 and in fall 2019. Please note some of the registration deadlines are coming up as soon as January 15 for some specialties.
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation released a fact sheet describing its value-based considerations when assessing alternative payment models recommended for development and testing. It notes that the Department of Health & Human Services is working on a potential payment model for serious illness care that will “build on” proposals from AAHPM and C-TAC.
AAHPM staff member Cara Alexander attended the American Medical Association State Advocacy Summit, which brought together physicians, national experts, state policymakers, and medical society staff. The meeting featured sessions on effective advocacy strategies, deep dives into the state legislative and regulatory landscape, a federal update, and policy discussions related to Medicaid, opioids, pharmacy benefit managers, state-led delivery system reforms, and more.
The AMA announced a new program that will fund bold and innovative projects that address the workforce needs of our current and future health care system. Applicants can include U.S. GME sponsors, medical schools, health systems and specialty societies. Letters of intent are due February 1, 2019. Visit changeresed.org to learn more about the Reimagining Residency Program and to access the RFP.
AAHPM member Jeff Spiess appeared on Jeopardy on Tuesday, January 8th. Staff enjoyed cheering him on from the Academy offices. We were proud of you, Jeff!