Week in Review: June 1-5, 2020

AAHPM is accepting applications for the Ho/Chiang Foundation Fellowship Grant. One award of $40,000 will be presented for the 2021-2022 academic year to partially support an adult HPM fellowship training program that offers a pediatric track preparing physicians to practice as a pediatric HPM subspecialist following training. Letter of intent to apply is due June 15.


Covid-19 assistance is available for AAHPM members:

  • Pose questions on Connect and learn how your colleagues are managing the pandemic.
  • Review resources on our COVID-19 webpage.
  • Submit your research to JPSM which is fast tracking articles that describe palliative care in Covid-19 preparation and response.
  • Reserve a discounted hotel stay at a Hilton Hotel – exclusive benefit for AAHPM members through June 30.
  • The National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care will host its next free Virtual Town Hall on June 11, 1-2 pm ET on how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the delivery of palliative care and hospice – temporarily or perhaps permanently. For more information and to register

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