Diane Meier is working for you on Policy.

I thought I knew that the one certainty in life was Death and Taxes, but with the debates over health care reform and “Death Panels” I’m not even sure death is a certainty anymore, or at least that is the perception provided by the media sometimes.

That said, isn’t it good to know Diane Meier is working hard for Palliative Care in the Senate this year in a Health and Aging policy fellowship. To be clear, her remarks do not represent the views of the Senate or Senator Harkin.
The good news she emphasizes is that the rapid growth in palliative care programs and hospices gives us a place at the table for negotiations. WE ARE A NECESSITY in the health care reform solution. We need to change our outlook from fighting for the scraps, to a mentality that we are the key to solving health care problems in the US and we have growing numbers and impact.

Look for a few posts today and tomorrow to summarize–
1. We need to learn the right language to make our case meaningful and to make it stick with the audience. Look at what the wrong language can do. Think Death Panel
2. Look for a summary post of Top policy needs and why

3. Why you should be involved in policy
4. How to get involved in policy
Paul Tatum

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